Zak Danielson

Board Member

Zak was born and raised in Northern Colorado, where he spent time between agricultural and urban living. Growing up this way has allowed Zak to gain an intimate knowledge of the issues facing our natural landscapes. The proximity to open spaces only helped Zak foster a love and feeling of commitment to the land we live and play on. Zak hopes to help protect and leave natural areas natural for future generations. 

Growing up on the Northern Colorado Front Range has given Zak a lot of insight to the plight of farms, ranches and urban green spaces. Zak is most passionate about sustainable food sources and protecting our ecological supply chain. Taking classes through Colorado State University’s School of Global Environmental Sustainability has only highlighted how important this opportunity is to him. 

Zak and his wife Sarah live near her parent’s house on the western slope of Colorado. The two bought land in the area, and in homage to Zak’s roots started a ranching operation. Between horses, cattle, dogs, and cats the two have quite the menagerie at their ranch in Cimarron, where they also produce high altitude mountain grass hay. The two are focused on regenerating the landscape through responsible grazing and a holistic approach to working with nature.

Zak enjoys spending time outside. Fixing fence, checking cows, fishing, hunting, gardening, any time outside is time well spent in Zak’s eyes. If Zak were to be a vegetable, he thinks it would be an asparagus spear; lean, spindly, returns every spring, and found almost everywhere!

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