New IPCC Report: An Alarm Bell For Action

The new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change spotlights the consequences of a warming world — and how it will impact our landscapes and communities. It’s undeniable we humans have had an impact and there is a clear call for action now — not only to drastically reduce emissions, but for solutions that buffer us from destructive climate impacts.

The report makes it clear that the consequences of climate change are already widespread, devastating to people and ecosystems. Those of us who live in the West have experienced wildfire smoke as the new normal to breathe during summer and fall months. Rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns are causing rivers — the circulatory system that supports all life on Earth, including us — to heat up and dry up. A 2014 research article in Nature, titled “A precipitation shift from snow toward rain leads to a decrease in streamflow,” noted that for every 1 degree Fahrenheit in temperature rise, streamflow is reduced 3-5.2 percent. The average temperature in the Colorado River Basin has continued to increase significantly in the years since that study was published.  

Here we are in 2022, and we’ve already experienced one degree Celsius of warming, and are on track to see another half-degree rise in global temperatures. The IPCC report notes that we could hit the 1.5 degree mark in 15-20 years. We’re not prepared for the changes that have already arrived, and we’re definitely not prepared for the changes that are ahead.

Now is the time for transformational action in how we protect and relate to the natural world. 

What does action look like? It looks like innovative water management to safeguard scarce water supplies. Sustainable farming and ranching techniques to cultivate soil health and promote biodiversity on working lands. Thoughtful forest practices that nurture nature, and decrease wildfire risk.

Mighty Arrow’s grantees are doing this important work, showing the rest of the West, and the world, how to not only adapt, but thrive, in an era of climate change.

This is why we at Mighty Arrow recently decided to commit the entirety of our fund by 2040. Now is the time to go big. We are answering the call: Investing the entirety of our fund strategically and aggressively gives our partners the support they need now.

The IPCC report is yet another reminder that this is our moment. We must rise to the occasion and throw our muscle behind bold solutions. But we can’t do it alone. This big beautiful world needs all of us — learning and growing and giving it our all, together. We hope you will join us.

Learn more about our partners that are tackling climate change, transforming our food systems, safeguarding our lands and waters, and building a more just and equal society. 


The Colorado: America’s Most Endangered River—and How We Can Save It


Nathan Fey joins Mighty Arrow Family Foundation as Land & Water Program Director