To whom much is given, much is expected. This value informed Kim Jordan’s leadership as the cofounder of New Belgium Brewing and is the philosophy behind the Mighty Arrow Family Foundation today. Together with her sons, Zak and Nick, Kim has committed to donating the entirety of Mighty Arrow’s fund by 2040.
This is our 2040 Vision.
Committed to our cause and infused with an entrepreneurial spirit, Mighty Arrow aims to invest in solutions that take action on climate change, amplify our human power, protect the ecosystems we call home, and build a more vibrant future - for everyone.
Our Story
We set our sights on the future and define our legacy. Dedicated and committed to our cause, we’re not afraid to follow our own path. Like releasing an arrow, our focus and direction are set. The course of travel will illustrate our impact.
Kim Jordan's Border Collie, “Arrow,” ran around New Belgium Brewing for 12 years. The Mighty Arrow Family Foundation is a recognition of legacy and roots. It is a throwback to the inclusive, employee-focused business that generated the wealth behind Mighty Arrow and acknowledges the personalities that shaped the family along its journey (both four-legged and two).
The success of New Belgium opened doors to an abundance of opportunity. Not only were we able to broadly share that equity with employees, becoming the first 100% employee-owned brewery, it allowed Kim & the Family to launch this foundation to give back in a significant way. Entrepreneurial spirit has allowed us to think differently and remain value-driven.
We do not believe that intergenerational transfer of wealth addresses the current challenges our world is facing. There is urgent work to be done, while being good stewards of this wealth and forging ahead as a family. The Foundation seeks to honor the regenerative potential of business through meaningful investing, philanthropy, and advocacy. It does this through strategic grant making, mission aligned investing, and a commitment to a 100% impact-driven portfolio.
Our 2040 Vision
We have chosen to be present, strategic and visionary. We’re in a defining moment — a moment where we can choose to be overwhelmed, disconnected and discouraged, or where we can choose to be positive, embrace change and lift up the work of others seeking a better future together.
Our world is faced with interlocking crises and within this lies opportunity. Climate change is an existential threat to the planet. The food we eat, the water we drink and the landscapes we call home are at risk. Injustice is exacerbating poverty, violence and barriers to voting — threatening our democracy. These big, complex problems demand an abundance of compassion and action on an unprecedented scale.
It’s why we committed to donate the entirety of our fund by 2040. Honoring the regenerative potential of business through a 100% impact-driven portfolio, strategic grantmaking and mission aligned advocacy.
This is our 2040 Vision.

We acknowledge that the best people to decide how to use our philanthropic dollars are those that are doing the actual work.
Our general operating grants allow organizations to pursue new opportunities, respond to unexpected political or environmental events, hire key personnel, or buy stamps.
The Mighty Arrow Family Foundation evaluates and administers grants in four intersectional areas: Climate Change, Food Systems, Land & Water Stewardship, and Social Justice.
We are a separate and distinct entity from New Belgium Brewing’s grant program. You can learn more about New Belgium’s grant making here.

“Let Your Life Speak”
Summer 2022 Board Meeting hosted under a grove of redwoods in California.